Friday, August 15, 2014

PHASE 1 Timeline

So far this is what our journey looks like.......

  • Tuesday, July 29, 2014 We met with our SR  (Sales Rep) and were told we were basically pre approved by NVR and could begin the process of buying our home.  We picked the Rome and we picked our options and upgrades. We got our cost estimate Evaluation.  We were not exactly happy with the final price, it was more than we wanted to pay.  Our SR was very good about finding some incentives that helped with making the final price a little better.   I wish I'd listened to one of the other bloggers who said to make sure you go for all the upgrades and options you think you want.  Ryan Homes will work with you to keep you at a price you are comfortable with so they may be able to "find" some incentives to help keep the price where you need it to be and allow you to have the upgrades you want.  If the price is still not what you want you can always take the upgrades out.  But once they offer the incentive that is all you get.  So if you add later you will have to pay for it.
  • Wednesday, July 30,2014 We met with our SR again and signed our purchase agreement and gave a good faith deposit of $500.00.  I think we were there for about three hours with this.  We had her explain what everything meant just so we were all on the same page. 
  • Monday, August 4, 2014 Met with LO (Loan Officer) to complete the formal mortgage loan application. Gave a Check to cover Appraisal fee  $425.00.  We will not have a final answer for at least 30 days.
  • Wednesday, August 6, 2014 Met with Guardian to discuss what they offer.  They are the company that does the wiring for the security system and the wiring for the cable and telephone outlets.  The guy was nice he gave me the prices and said I could have some time to really think about it so I will make an appointment with him for this coming week.  This coming week is our last week for changes.
  • Wednesday, August 6, 2014 Later in the day we met with Creative Flooring.  We did good, and kept everything standard.  We decided we would change the flooring in a year or two.  We want to take our time and decide what flooring we really want.  So $0.00 spent there. 
  • Sunday, August 10, 2014 We decided to go to the newest Rome model in our area to see where we want Guardian to place our jacks.  We also just like going to the model.  The one here in Delaware is new and has the Morning Room the one in Maryland didn't have the Morning Room.  
  • Monday, August 11, 2014 We signed a lot transfer addendum.  We had originally picked a lot that did back to the woods but it was right at the beginning of the community.  They were beginning to open new lots and we liked the lot that was in the center of the community.  We will have neighbors on both sides but none in the back.  There will be grassy area at the back of the houses and a walking trail.  Some people think we are crazy and should have kept the lot that backed to the woods.  I am afraid the farmer next door will sell the land and they will build a Wawa on the other side of the trees one day lol.  Its all about preference.  
  • Thursday, August 14, 2014 Was the last day to make any structural changes.  During this meeting you have to make all your decisions about what you want in the house but not the actual colors or styles.  I went back to all my favorite blogs the nights before I went into this meeting.  I wanted to make sure I wasn't getting anything that I could get for cheaper later on.  But I also wanted to do anything that has to do with the structure of the home now because I don't want to have people messing up the walls later.  I will post my final list of options in a separate post.  
So I still need to meet with Guardian next week I think I am going to go with the 10 pack and get cable wiring in all the rooms. I believe he said the 10 pack is $500.00  I will probably also opt for their hardwired security system.  I will do more research on that this weekend.  We have ADT wireless in our current location and we are very happy with it.  But I was told that hardwire adds more value to the home, of course the Guardian rep was the one who told me that lol.   We will also  have the final selection meeting next week. This is where you pick the colors and styles for everything like the cabinets and the granite.  Seems exciting but I am thinking it will be overwhelming too. Once we do that PHASE I will be over and we will then have to wait for the final loan approval so that we can break ground.  

Seems like so much so fast.  

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